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Jerky Treats Back on Shelves after Last Year’s Illnesses

Pet food manufacturers are reintroducing lines of jerky treats after a nationwide recall. Manufacturers say the treats are safe, but many pet owners remain skeptical. The treats were pulled after the FDA warned consumers that they may have been responsible for over 600 deaths, but are being reinstated after experts were unable to figure out exactly why the treats caused illness.

The FDA says they know about manufacturer's plans to reintroduce the treats and have reviewed them, but the companies do not need the FDA's approval to reintroduce them. The companies themselves say that the treats are safe, and that the manufacturing processes have been refined. Some veterinarians and pet owners, however, remain unconvinced. In an interview with NBC News, Florida veterinarian Sofia Morales, who treated at least three pets sickened by the treats, said that pet owners should avoid feeding their pets the jerky treats for the time being. "Right now, what I'm recommending to people is not feed jerky," she said.

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